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Got 181 Notice from FBR – What should you do?

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181 (Form of Registration filed for modification) (Income Tax)

Steps to Handle a Section 181 Notice

1. Understand the Notice

  • Purpose: The notice under Section 181 is generally issued for matters related to the registration of taxpayers. This could involve initial registration, updating registration details, or compliance with registration requirements.
  • Content: The notice will specify the actions required, such as registering for a National Tax Number (NTN), updating your taxpayer profile, or providing additional information.

2. Gather Necessary Documentation

  • Personal and Business Information: Collect all relevant personal and business information, including your CNIC, business registration documents, bank statements, and utility bills.
  • Supporting Documents: Depending on the specifics of the notice, you may need to provide additional documents such as tenancy agreements, ownership documents, or proof of business premises.

3. Update or Register Using Form 181

  • Form 181: This form is used for registration or updating your registration details with the FBR. You can access and submit this form through the FBR’s online IRIS portal.
  • Steps to Complete Form 181:
    1. Log in to IRIS: Access the IRIS portal at IRIS FBR.
    2. Navigate to Registration: Go to the “Draft” section from the main IRIS dashboard and find the task labeled “181 (Form of Registration filed voluntarily)”.
    3. Complete the Form: Fill in the required fields with accurate information. This includes your personal details, business details, and any other relevant information.
    4. Attach Documents: Attach the necessary supporting documents, such as utility bills, business registration certificates, and proof of tenancy or ownership.
    5. Submit the Form: Once the form is completed and all documents are attached, submit the form through the IRIS portal.

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