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Got 176(1) Notice from FBR – What should you do?

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176(1) (Notice to obtain information or evidence)


                                Please refer to the above subject.

                                It is intimated that M/S YYYYYYYY AND PRODUCTION COMPANIES ASSOCIATION, NTN 065XXXX-7, falls within the jurisdiction of this office for the purpose of withholding Taxes. During routine examination of your tax record it transpired that your organization has not filed Audited Accounts for the tax year 2018.

 In order to determine your accurate obligation in respect of withholding of taxes, you are requested to provide copies of Financial Statements / Audited Accounts for the tax year 2018.

This information is being called for under section 176 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 with prior approval of the Commissioner Inland Revenue, Withholding Zone, Regional Tax Office, Islamabad.  The requisite information should reach this office on or before 05/03/2020 positively.

Understand the Notice

  • Purpose: The notice under Section 176(1) is issued to obtain information or evidence relevant to your tax liabilities or compliance with tax laws. This could include details about your income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and other financial matters.
  • Content: The notice will specify the information or documents required, the tax year in question, and the deadline for submission.

When do you receive 176(1) notice from FBR?

Whether or not liable for tax under the Income Tax Ordinance, The Commissioner may, by notice in writing, require you to furnish to –
(a) the Commissioner

(b) an authorized officer,

any information relevant to any tax leviable under this Ordinance or to fulfill any obligation under any agreement with foreign government or governments or tax jurisdiction, as specified in the notice;

Why you got 176(1) notice from FBR?

If the commissioner is not satisfied with the provided pieces of information relating to any head of income tax return or wealth statement for the previous six years or requires more detailed information, he may serve notice under section 176 of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001. to obtain information or evidence.

What should you do after receiving 176(1) notice from FBR?

You must reply or provide the required information, within the prescribed time mentioned in the notice, either online, in person, or through an authorized representative.

Reach out to help if you are unable to file your Tax Returns Properly